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Do you like what you see at Christ Episcopal Church? 

Do you feel the Holy Spirit in her hallways?

Would you like to know more about what we do?


Below we have compiled a list of different ministries in which our members are currently engaged.  If you want to be a part of the buzz, get involved!  We’d love to add your talents to the mix! Get connected with Christ Church Connections!

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Faith Scarmuzzi

Acolytes are young adults 10-18 years of age and include the Crucifer and Torch Bearers. Responsibilities include serving at the altar, leading the gospel procession, receiving the alms from the ushers and receiving the bread and wine.


Lectors read the Old Testament (first) lesson during the worship service.

Eucharistic Ministers

Faith Scarmuzzi

Eucharistic Ministers read the New Testament (second) lesson, lead the psalm, carry the Gospel Book in the gospel procession and bear the chalice during communion.


Ushers are responsible for passing out service bulletins, the collection of alms, having parishioners take bread and wine to the altar and guiding people during communion. Ushers also take a count of people for communion and straighten the church after the service.

Altar Guild

Jan Henrey

The Altar Guild does the behind the scene work to prepare for each Sunday and Wednesday service as well as weddings and funerals. Responsibilities also include changing the linens for special services, preparing the bread and wine, cleaning the altar area after services and cleaning the linens.


 Jamie Shiell

Parish Choir

The choir is open to students of grade 9 through adults. The choir provides special music for the 10:00 service and special services throughout the year. Singing includes a wide range of repertoire from the traditional to contemporary. Rehearsals are held Thursday evenings September through May from 7:00 - 8:30. All who sing are welcome and encouraged to join.

Handbell Ringers Jeannine Morris

Pending: Students grade 9 through adults are welcome. The bell ringers perform once a month at the 10:00 service and also at special services. Rehearsals are held each Thursday evenings, October through April 6:00 -7:00 PM.

Deb Murphy &
Don Scarmuzzi

A/V provides multimedia support for services that include worship, weddings and funerals. A/V Support also includes support for the church website and church online presence.



The Brotherhood is a ministry whose purpose is to serve Christ and The Church. They do this by helping members of the church who are in need, providing assistance to those outside the church, serving the wishes of the priest, helping out around the building and grounds and raising money for a variety of special projects. They have supported mission trips, the fine arts and scouts. Meetings are the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 AM and include breakfast, scripture study and discussion, planning how best to help throughout the month and special prayers for those in need. All youth and men are welcome to join and carry on the good works and serve the Lord.

United Thank Offering (UTO)

Janet Gladd

The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through UTO, individuals are invited to embrace and deepen a personal daily spiritual discipline of gratitude. UTO encourages people to notice the good things that happen each day, give thanks to God for those blessings and make an offering for each blessing using a UTO Blue Box or envelope.                                       


UTO is entrusted to receive the offerings, and to distribute the 100% of what is collected to support innovative mission and ministry throughout The Episcopal Church and Provinces of the Anglican Communion. The United Thank Offering is a ministry to promote thankfulness and mission in the whole Church. Known worldwide as UTO, the United Thank Offering awards grants for projects that address human needs and help alleviate poverty, both domestically and  internationally in the Episcopal Church.

            UTO Prayer

Gracious God, source of all creation,

all love, all true joy: accept, we pray,

these outward signs of our profound and

continuing thankfulness for all of life.

Bless those who will benefit from these

gifts through the outreach of the

United Thank Offering;

and keep each of us ever thankful for all the

blessings of joy and challenge that come our

way; through Him who is the

greatest gift and blessing of all,

Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.




Jeannine Morris

Greeting parishioners and visitors on Sunday mornings, special services and other functions is the most important part of this ministry. Greeters are present at most services to welcome everyone coming through the church doors and is often the first person a visitor or newcomer will meet and their goal is to make all feel welcome and comfortable. Greeters also accompany visitors to the coffee hour and introduce them to the Rector and other members of the parish.

Bakers Guild

 Linda Day

Each week members of the Bakers Guild provide baked goods or crackers with cheese and fruit to be served after the 10:00 AM Sunday service. The "Coffee Hour" promotes fellowship and provides an opportunity to welcome and introduce visitors and new members.



Ladles of Love 

Ladles of Love is a group of church members who meet the second Saturday of each month to prepare lunch for homebound parishioners and a few Mobile Meals clients.  Ladles of Love is a self-sustaining group – each member makes and brings a portion of the meal each month (cooking expertise is not required).  The members deliver the meals and are available for visiting with the recipients.

First Presbyterian Lunch

Elizabeth A. Clark

First Presbyterian Church of Warren serves a free lunch the third Tuesday of each month.  Christ Episcopal Church shares in providing these meals by supplying the lunch every other month.  When it is our month, members meet the Saturday before the third Tuesday of the month at 1:00 PM to prepare the food.  The meal is refrigerated until Tuesday when the members of First Presbyterian pick it up to serve.

Lincoln School Pantry/Blessing
Linda Day

Through conversation with the Lincoln School Community Liaison we discovered other needs were in demand at the school (other than Second Harvest Food Bank) for namely clothing, personal care items and more recently foods such as bread, peanut butter and jelly, etc. Boxes are in the Narthex & by the office.

Lincoln School 8th Grade Graduation Breakfast

Breakfast is prepared and served to the 8th grade graduation class in May.

St. John's Red Door Cafe

Jan & Wynn


Three times a year:  April, July and December, a group of 8-10 members of Christ Church prepares a meal to serve at St. John’s in Youngstown.  St. John’s opens their doors every Sunday for the soup kitchen to feed the homeless and is manned by various churches and organizations throughout the year.  Christ Church is the only church that prepares and serves the entire hearty and healthy meal.  Approximately 75 to 100 hungry and grateful guests are served each week.



Pastoral Care Team  Faith Scarmuzzi

The Pastoral Care Team visits parishioners who have recently been hospitalized or may need assistance with daily needs. Help that may be provided may include food and rides or assisting in finding agencies for continued aid.

Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEV) 

Faith Scarmuzzi

LEV members take communion on Sunday after church to parishioners who are not able to attend services. These visits include spending time and determining whether there are needs that CEC may be able to help provide.

Secret Prayer Partners

Secret Prayer Partners pray throughout the year for a "secret" partner. Once a year this group meets to disclose their partners and discover who their new secret partner will be for the upcoming year. It is very comforting to know that someone is keeping you in thought and prayer even though identity is unknown. It is also fun to find who that person is at the yearly meeting. This ministry also promotes close fellowship by providing an opportunity to learn more about your partners. All are welcome.


Steve Watts

CEC Security is a group of dedicated parishioners who are responsible for locking the Church every night, open on Sunday and respond to any alarm activations. The security members also have access to the building to let any member or group into the building and rooms for events. Being a member of the security team is open to any member who wishes to join.


Sandee Skovran

There are three beautiful gardens, the Peace Garden, the Cloister Garden and the Biblical Garden on the church property. The gardens are distinctly different and are maintained by the Garden Committee. The Peace Garden features a walkway of memorial bricks that are place in honor or memory of a loved one.


The Cloister Garden is outside the Chapel and is used for services in Summer. The Biblical Garden is enclosed and is located on the hall to the Narthex.

Church Mice

Janet Gladd

Church Mice are designed and created by the Craft Group. Originally crafted to be Christmas tree ornaments, they became equally popular for sale as year round favorites. Many unique and imaginative themes have been fashioned for the Mice throughout the years. To fully appreciate these magical creations, they can be seen in the display case outside of the Parish Hall.

Clothes Closet  
Linda Day

The clothes closet donations are donated to the Lincoln School and Warren Family mission.

Megan's Mittens

Linda Day

This ministry honors the memory of Megan Day Boltres who died in a car accident in 2008.  To keep her spirit alive Megan’s Mittens was born.  In 2018 Megan’s Mittens distributed over 379 pairs of mittens to the third graders in Lincoln, Willard, McGuffey and Jefferson school plus extra mittens and hats for any child in need.


Baskets YWCA

Groceries needed for a Thanksgiving Dinner are written on turkey feathers and plucked from the turkey by parishioners.  These items are purchased and returned to the church to be put into baskets and delivered to families in need at the Warren, YWCA Wings Program.


Santa's Workshop  Anne Martin

Christmas trees are placed near the Chapel and in the Narthex decorated with $5.00 gift requests.  Parish members purchase the specified gifts for moms, dads, siblings and grandparents.  Parishioners also attend the workshop and help wrap gifts.

Rummage Sale

Steve and Becky Watts

The Rummage Sale is held in the spring. A large array of donations including furniture, housewares, electronics, books, collectables, holiday items and toys are sold.

Communion Bread

Since the COVID Pandemic, Christ Episcopal Church as been utilizing wafers.

Vacation Bible School 

Paul Keriotis

Vacation Bible School happens early summer. To be announced as to theme.


MMICE (To be renamed to reflect our focus of outreach through Community Connection).  The goal is to created fellowship between parishioners and the community bringing families together and addressing the needs in our parish and community.  In 2018 we provided manpower to help with Outdoor Movie Night open to the community families, the Welcome Back Dinner, Out of Darkness Walk and the YWCA Christmas Store.

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