Christ Church Warren Choir

Christ Church Warren Choir

Christ Episcopal Church Choir

Christ Church Warren Choir
The Music Ministry at Christ Church seeks to offer meaningful worship opportunities of the highest caliber and broadest scope through art of sacred music.
In addition to music offerings at weekly Sunday services, we present a variety of concerts and artists of both national and international acclaim through our concert series "Arts on Atlantic".

Jamie Shiell has been the Director of Music at Christ Church since March 2018. Prior to this, he was the Seminary Musician at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, in Atlanta, Georgia, where he led music during the four weekly worship services in Cannon Chapel and taught in the areas of sacred music, Anglican studies and liturgical practice.
Previous church positions include Director of Music Ministries at Community Congregation Church UCC in Short Hills (Suburban NYC), New Jersey and Organist - Choirmaster at The Episcopal Church of the Epiphany in Atlanta. At Epiphany, he led an extensive program that included multiple choirs and an extensive concert series. With Mr. Shiell conducting, the Epiphany Schola Cantorum made their debut at the renowned Piccolo Spoleto Festival in Charleston, South Carolina in May 2009.
For several years, he was the Artistic Director and Conductor of the Festival Singers of Atlanta, a 20-voice professional chamber choir known throughout the southeast for innovative programming and their more than 20-year association with the Piccolo Spoleto Festival.
Mr. Shiell holds undergraduate and graduate degrees (with distinction) in Sacred Music, Organ and Conducting from Westminster Choir College, Princeton, New Jersey and has done further study at Armstrong-Atlantic State University, Mercer University, and Emory University. While at Westminster and Mercer he received awards and prizes in organ, conducting and sacred music; he holds the service playing certificate from the American Guild of Organist. He has studied organ with Eugene Roan and Joan Lippincott; conducting with Ryan James Brandau, Joe Miller, James Jordan, and Joseph Flummerfelt; accompanying with Dalton Baldwin.
Jamie frequently serves on faculties of summer music festivals and clinics such as the Music and Worship week at Lake Junaluska, North Carolina and Westminster Vocal Institute for High School singers. He has been in demand as a clinician throughout the United States and has led music for national and regional conventions of the United Methodist Church. This summer, he planned and led worship services for the Great Lakes Regional convention of the American Guild of Organists.
As a member of the Westminer Symphonic Choir he sang and made recordings with the New York Philharmonic, The Los Angeles Philharmonic, The Philadelphia Orchestra and The New Jersey Symphony Orchestra under the batons of such famous conductors as Masur, Macal, Solonen, Sawallisch, and Rilling. As a conductor, he has led performances of church choirs and orchestras in a variety of larger works which have been recorded and aired on NPR.
Parish choir - is open to adults and high-school students. The choir provides choral leadership for the 10:00 AM principal service and other feast days and liturgies throughout the year.
This choir's repertoire is broad and spans many centuries including chants, motets, anthems, hymns, gospel songs, spirituals and contemporary works.
Rehearsal are held Thursday evenings September through May from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM.
All who are interested in becoming a part of this choir should contact Jamie Shiell, Director of Music.


Handbell Choir - is open to adults and
high school students.
This choir offers musical selections monthly at the 10:00 AM service and other events.
Rehearsals are held each Thursday September through May from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
All who are interested in becoming a part of this choir should contact, Jeannine Morris, Director of Handbells.
Arts on Atlantic seeks to hold up, through beauty and art, both sign and symbol of our identity as the body of Christ in the world.
Music and art offer a primary language of faith, a means by which we communicate the Divine. It is through singing, playing and seeing the fine arts that our particular beliefs take the form of flesh and go out into the world to proclaim and practice life-changing good news.
You are invited to come, sing and pray through these offerings. It is our hope that your life will be changed, your spirit stirred and you will go from this place nourished and equipped to do justice, love mercy and act kindly toward all you encounter.


If you are interested in joining our Music Ministry,
Please Contact
Music and the Arts Director
Jamie Shiell
or via