Morning Prayer Rite II.
Modern Service with Music and Eucharist (Holy Communion)
In the Main Sanctuary
Those new to Christ Church can experience our most popular style of worship at this second service. Though the order of service stays the same, the Main Sanctuary is uplifted in praise by joining our voices with the choir, pipe organ, piano and bells. The Main Service is regularly enhanced by a Children's Sermon, guest preachers and musicians, hymns of yester-year and today, and frequent visitors. If you are looking to experience how the Episcopal Church worships, this is good place to begin. Plan to stay after for coffee and pastries in the Lobby to meet the clergy and other church goers. We are a lively gathering, so expect to hear laughter, singing in the halls, see children meandering through the crowd, and experience hearty handshakes or hugs. During the summer months, the Main Service is often held in our outdoor Garden Chapel, weather permitting. All are welcome here!
(For your convenience, the Main Sanctuary entrance doors are located under the covered car port that is flanked by the West Parking lots facing the Lincoln Elementary School. Overflow parking is available behind the building)
Healing Service
A Service of Healing Prayers with Eucharist (Holy Communion)
In the Old Christ Church Chapel
This weekly special service focuses on prayer and anointing for all who seek physical and/or spiritual healing. Attendees are invited to the altar to receive both Unction (anointing with holy oil) and Communion. Many come not only for their own needs but also to offer prayers for others (intercessory prayers) who are in need of God's healing hand.
(For your convenience, the Old Chapel entrance is located by the East Parking Lot facing the Greek Community Center; this entrance is also used for the Office and Library)